sâmbătă, 17 martie 2012

Episode 44: Pan, a Super Saiyan?

Gohan, Trunks, Pan and Xevo have met many different races and species, and asked them if they saw any of their friends. Trunks had a holographic image with each one of them, but no one saw them. Meanwhile, Gohan was documenting the planet, but he couldn't focus much on that, cause he was starting to get more and more worried, as well as the others.
They were flying through giant mountains, which were so tall, that they were literally reaching the sky. Gohan had a digital camera with him, and he was taking many pictures from different angles. He and the others saw many giant four-winged birds nesting on the top of the mountains, which seemed like it was in space. They were so busy watching the view, that they didn't notice the enormous cobwebs in front of them, so all four of them got stuck.
The cobwebs were so strong and sticky, that not even the Saiyans could break free without transforming into SSJ2. Gohan and Trunks were free, however, Pan and Xevo were still stuck, and the giant spiders were already coming at them. Pan got so frightened, that she also transformed into a SSJ2, to Trunks' and Xevos' amaze. But her hair didn't turn golden, only her aura turned yellow with blazing lightning, which cut through the webs.
-I didn't know she was that strong...-Trunks said still amazed.
-She still hasn't fully learned to control her SSJ1 form, and her SSJ2 form is far from perfection. She's just like I was; she gets very strong when very scared or angry.-Gohan responded.
-Yeah, but how come her hair doesn't change?
-Maybe, because she's a girl. It's not like we had any female Super Saiyans in our family yet.
Meanwhile, Pad freed Xevo, but the spiders' number was increasing rapidly, and they started to overwhelm our heroes. Trunks got so pissed off, that he even killed a few.
-Trunks!-Gohan yelled angrily-What are you doing?
-Sorry, Gohan, but spiders just BUG me, especially giant ones. Besides, it's either them or we.
Luckily, for Trunks and the others, the giant spiders got attacked by some wolf-like creatures from behind. They walked and wore clothes an armor like humans did, but they had the shape, agility, strength and the other characteristics of a wolf. It was like a Fusion between a human and a wolf, which made them 10 times stronger of a normal human. They also seemed intelligent, cause they had a 2,5 meter electrified spear, with which they struck down many spiders. A few of them were courageous enough to attack the spiders with bare hands, and they even managed to finish them off too. In the end, the spiders retrieved and hid among the mountains, thus our heroes have been "saved" by the wolf creatures.
-This race could have become a formidable opponent for the Saiyans and even for Frieza.-Gohan thought-Thank you very much for your help!-he said towards the creatures-We would be gunners by now, if it weren't for you guys.
-What?!-Trunks asked confused.
-Just trust me and play along!-Gohan whispered to him.
-Well...-the leader of the pack started-You were just lucky that today we decided to hunt in this area.
-You were quite amazing how you defeated them. We owe you our gratitude.
-Stop mumbling and help us carry the prey back to our village! Today, we are having a feast, and you are most welcomed. There, you can tell us your story too.
-No way I'm touching any of those things!-Trunks said disgusted.
-This time, I agree with him.-Pan added.
-Do you have a free capsule?-Gohan asked Trunks.
-Sure, here.-so Trunks gave him one.
-Everyone, listen to me! Please gather around all the dead spiders, and I shall put them in this capsule.
The "human" wolves looked at him all amazed, but they obediently did what he told them to do and to their astonishment, their prey vanished in front of them, as if the capsule sucked it all in.
-Are you telling me all of our prey is in that small thing?- the pack-leader asked.
-Yep.-Gohan answered.
-Amazing. It could definitely ease our prey transportation back to the village whenever we go hunting.
-If you want, I would be more than happy to give this one to you, for...saving our lives back there.
-Nah...I don't want my pack to become lazy all of a sudden. We're in constant training you know, and this planet is way better than ours was. Besides, I can see that you are good-hearted beings, so there's no need to repay us any way whatsoever. Come then, to our village!
And so, our heroes joined the "human" wolf pack and headed to their village. But what other surprises await Gohan and his friends? Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball F!

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