marți, 16 martie 2010

Episode 9: A New Hero- Meet Bee 2

    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Vegeta found out how heavy the outfit which Bulma made him really is, the hard and painful way. But now he's happier than ever knowing that with that outfit's help, he might become stronger than Goku once again. Will his plan work or has Goku already gotten stronger since their last encounter on the tournament? If you want to find out, you know what to do!

    Bulma took a long-awaited bath. After that, she went to the kitchen to have a snack. There she found Goten and Trunks, who were also eating:

-Hi, you two!-she said-Anything interesting happened to you two lately?
-Well, not really.-Goten answered-But something weird DID happen.
-What do you mean?
-Well, mom...-Trunks started-Father sure was acting weird today.
-How come?
-Well...-Goten continued-We were all flying and when a said his name he just simply fell to the ground really hard and when I said your name, he got up again.
-So, mom, what exactly is going on?-Trunks asked confused.

    Bulma took a sandwich which her mom made earlier and left it on the table, made a big smile and went in the living room. Meanwhile, in Satan City, Mr. Satan was trying on a new outfit himself:

-So, Buu, what do you think? This will be my new outfit which I'll wear on the next World Martial Arts Championship.-however, Buu's mind was elsewhere; Mr. Satan noticed that Boo was sad-What's the matter, Buu?
-Buu misses Bee.
-Yeah...I miss him too, boy, but this how life is. Eventually, everyone dies.
-Will Mr. Satan also die?
-Well yea, hopefully not too soon.
-But Buu doesn't want to be alone! Buu doesn't want Mr. Satan to die! Buu doesn't want that! Buu doesn't want that!!!-Buu got so angry, that he caused a small Earthquake.
-Calm down, Buu! Hey, I've got an idea. What do you say we buy a new pet for you so you wouldn't feel alone anymore.
-Yeah, good idea. Buu buy all sorts of animals and take good care of them.
-Now hold on a minute, Buu! This house isn't a zoo you know, one animal is quite enough. Besides, it takes a lot of responsibility to take care of ONE animal alone. We don't need too many mouths to feed. Besides...-and before he even realised it, Buu was already gone-Darn it!-Mr Satan found Buu later at a famous pet shop-So Buu, did you find a pet which you like the most? Remember, you can only pick one.
-Yea. Buu pick that one.
-Which one?
-That one over there?-Mr Satan looked into the cage, but couldn't see anything-Here, let Buu show you!-then he took something out of the cage, but Mr. Satan still couldn't see anything.
    Suddenly, a gas bomb appeared out of nowhere on the ground, then another one, and after that, several more, while smoke came out of them. Luckily, Mr. Satan had a backpack with him, which was part of his "Fighting Crime and Saving the Day" equipment, and he pulled out a gas mask and put it on his face. However, Buu and the other customers, sellers and security guards, all fainted. Then Mr. Satan realized those were sleepy bombs. Two masked men came into the store.

-Hands up!-the first yelled.
-What the...Who the hell are you?-the second asked; the smoke cleared, and Mr. Satan took off his mask-Well, what do you know...If it isn't Mr. Satan, the world's biggest champion.
-More like the world's biggest phoney.-the second added-We both know you didn't kill Cell back in the old days; it was the other warriors. Too bad they're not here to save you again.
-And what are you creeps doing stealing from a pet store? Just how low can you get?-Mr Satan asked.
-For your information...-the first started-This pet store has the finest and rarest animals in the world. We can make good money by selling them on the black market. So any last words?
-Uhm...Garu...-the other started.
-You idiot!!!-Garu yelled-You never use our real names while we're in a middle of a robbery. NEVER!!! Now because of you, I will have to kill him because he knows who I am.
-But wasn't that what were you going to do anyway?-the other asked while Garu blushed.
-Don't be a smart ass. What is it?
-Uhm, there's something on me...
-What's on you? I can't see a thing.
-On my right shoulder....
-I still can't see anything!-but suddenly, a chameleon appeared on the other man's shoulder which freaked out.
-Ah!!! An iguana! Get it off meeee!!!
-Don't be such a baby!
    With all the distraction, Mr. Satan ran towards the masked men and punched Garu in the face who fell on the other guy. The other guy grabbed the chameleon and quickly threw it towards Mr. Satan, who cought it.

-You son of a bitch!-Garu said, as he tried to get his gun but Mr. Satan pulled out a gun out of nowhere and shot him in the leg.
-And that's what happens when you mess with the world's biggest champion.-Mr Satan said with a smirk.
    In the end, the police arrived at the scene, and the two bandits were arrested. The reporters have arrived too, and Mr. Satan has become a hero once again. Buu and the others finally woke up, and Mr. Satan took the chameleon and went to see Buu:

-What happened?-Buu asked.
-Well, to be honest, this little guy saved our lives. This is one heck of a chameleon. So, are we going to keep him?
-Sure. Buu name him Bee Two (2).
-Wow, how original.-Mr Satan said sarcastically.
    So, a new hero has been born. Meet Bee 2. See you on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball F!