sâmbătă, 11 august 2012

Future Plans

Hi there, once again. I'm baaack; for now at least:) It has been a while since I posted something, about three weeks. What have I been up to these last weeks? Well, you already know my little 4-day adventure. Other than that, I broke into my boss' yard at night only to get his attention that I need the money which he owes me, and that I'm not afraid of him; furthermore, I start working from Monday at a wood factory. You should know, I am pro nature and the trees too, it's only a necessaty. The salary is very attractive, so hopefully it will work out good. But let's not get into my personal life too much:) cause I'm here to tell you my future plans regarding my work as an amateur artist. Up until now, I had more than plenty enough time to post new stuff very often, because I worked as a dispatcher, but if I'll stay at my new job where I will have to work for real this time, meaning physical work, normally I won't have so much time to concentrate on my other "work" and post so often. I'll see how much time I can make for that afterwards.
First things first> Dragon Ball Finale. I plan to continue this, as soon as I have finished a new fanfic I recently thought of, so right after that, I would continue the story where I left off. I also intend to make the episodes longer, between 1500 and 2000 words per episode, while the previous ones had about 700 and 1500. But don't worry, I plan to re-master my previous episodes making them longer as well by adding more descriptions, more dialogues and more fighting description. The new saga will be called "Dragon Ball Hunting Saga," which I think you will all find the best saga of them all cause it will be more about the teenagers and their love life. Of course, the adults will go through some interesting and funny events too, there will be a lot of laughter, recurring characters from both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, less fighting, but still there will be some great deal of tensions and of course, it will also have some serious tone. I recently re-installed my Windows and I don't know if I can re-install the WhiteSmoke program as well, which usually corrects my grammar/spelling errors, so if not, then expect more errors then usual.
My Bulma/Vegeta fanfic has been currently postponed, because first I need to watch the Garlic Junior Saga and the episodes before the appearance of the androids for a better understanding of some characters, and the situation of how Bulma and Vegeta could have possibly got together within the time gap in the anime. However, as I said before, I'm currently working on a new fanfic called "Piccolo's First Ever Sunburn." Don't worry, this won't be as weird and unusual as my last Piccolo fic:)), but hopefully, it will be funnier. Also, "The Night of the Living Doll 2" will also be postponed.
Of course, I shall also continue drawing while I'm writing, and my first drawing will be Gokatesu Suliyatsu as a Super Saiyan. So, these are my plans, in a nutshell, for my amateurish artistic life. Don't get your hopes high though, cause considering all the crazy things I've done lately ( breaking into my ex-boss' yard happened only five days ago ), I'm not sure, how long I will stick around in this world or stay out from prison. So yeah, my days are literally numbered, plus today I also found out that I have a bad health condition, so I really can't promise you guys anything; for all I know, I could die soon, and thus you will never find out how I intended to end the Dragon Ball Series. Of course, I wouldn't like that either, that's why I decided to take a break in the first place; I knew that I had some important decisions to make in my life, and I could very well die because of them, so I tried my best to at least finish the Megasaiyan Saga and not leave everything in a cliffhanger. That's why I'm afraid to start off again in the first place, I wouldn't want to disappear from the face of the Earth and leave the story just when things couldn't get any better.
Speaking of...Y'all probably heard of the new coming DBZ movie which will air next year in April. You probably also heard that Akira Toriyama himself will write/direct it, and the story will be very much canon to the anime, it will continue the story exactly from where they left off at the end of DBZ. You know what this means right? It will probably/might interfere with my story, so if you haven't grown fond of my story yet, you should just leave and never come back, or there might be big confusions/contradictions later regarding some important things.
With that said, I wish thy farewell and stick around for more infos and updates.