sâmbătă, 22 august 2009

Episode 2: First Day of High School for Pan and Bra

    It was 6:45 in the morning. Suddenly, a bird-like clock started to yell:

-Rise and shine, Pan! Rise and shine! Wake up you sleepyhead or you’ll be late for school! Rise and shine, Pan! Rise and shine…BOOM!!!-suddenly, Pan blast it with a little energy ball.
-Personal note…-she said to herself-Remind myself never keep Bra’s birthday presents...their annoying.

    It was the 15th September, which meant that school was starting. Pan was now 14 years old, so it was time for her to start high school. While usually teenagers are very excited about this, Pan however was far too sleepy to bother with it. She slowly dressed up, packed some sandwiches and took off towards the city. But she was flying so slowly, that even a dog could outrun her. It was a cloudy morning in West City and after a "long" fly, Pan finally arrived at the school. It was already 7:55, and Pan saw in the air that her best friend, Bra, was waiting her impatiently in front of the school. Pan carefully landed in the back of the school so no one could see her, then she hurried to meet up with her friend before it was too late. Bra, much like her father, was very impatient, not to mention unforgiving; if pissed off, she could hold a grudge for weeks. The last time Pan upset her, she haven't spoken to Pan for a whole month. But after that, however, you couldn't separate them not even for a minute, as Pan often slept at the Briefs mansion. Because of their strong bond, they were more than best friends, they were like sisters.

-Finally…-Bra started after seeing Pan running towards her-What took you so long?
-Sorry, but I went to bed really late last night, and I…-Pan started, but was cut off by her angry friend.
-Never mind, let’s go or we’ll be late on our first day of high school. Come on!
-Coming…-Pan said still being sleepy.

    Their first class passed away very quickly. Until the end of the class Pan managed to wake up somehow. In the break, she and Bra met Marron in the hallway.

-Marron, what are you doing here?-Bra asked.
-Well, I did graduate here as well, you know. My mom decided that it's time for me to look for a job, so I was passing by and thought I should visit for old time's sake. I did many crazy things here...
-Yeah, tell me about it. I still can't believe the rebel you've become over the years. You were so nice back when we were kids.
-Yea well, high school changes people. You'll see...So girls, what do you think?-Marron asked.
-It’s awesome! I never thought high school could be so exciting.
-And what about you, Pan?
-Yea, it’s great…-Pan replied uninterestedly.
-What’s with her?-Marron asked Bra.
-She’s still a bit sleepy.-Bra answered.
-So, how many handsome boys are in your class?
-Well…-Bra started-To be exact, only one out of eleven.
-Only one?
-Yea, the others are all weird-looking and nerds.
-Wow, that’s too bad…
-Well, there is another boy whose kind of good-looking.-Pan added-I meant, he’s kind of cute.-then she blushed.
-Yeah right…-Bra said out loud-The boy with the glasses?! Like he’s the nerdiest of them all!
-He is not!-Pan yelled back.
-So girls...-Marron cut in to avoid any further tensions-Let me show you around, like where you can smoke without being caught or where you can hide out when you want to skip classes or…
-But Marron, we don’t smoke.-Pan said.
-And skip classes? You’re actually allowed to do that?-Bra asked.
-Well, not really, but that’s the fun of it, and sometimes it’s “healthy” too, if you know what I mean. Very often the teachers will give you too much homework and stuff to learn, that you feel your head is about to explode. It’s really stressful, and that's why skipping classes becomes so healthy.
-Well, I guess you have a point there.-Bra agreed.
-Now come on! The break won’t last forever, you know!

    The break indeed ended rapidly, and second class started. It was physics. An old grumpy looking man entered the classroom. He didn’t say anything, he just started writing some equations, numbers and words on the blackboard while the students looked at him amazed. After finishing writing on the blackboard, the man turned around and started:

"Hello, everyone! My name is Mr. Tao Kinto. I’ll be your physics teacher. I know that today is your first day of high school but in my opinion, why waste time, so I decided to start teaching you on this very day. And this will happen whether it’s a high school special day, or any holiday what so ever. I don't care even if the school is under attack by terrorists, or it's the end of the world; you'll be seeing me, even if I'm ill. So, starting with today, I will divide you in groups. I will choose for each of you, a working partner and your assign will be to prepare an essay or a work for every month together, so if you fail, you'll fail TOGETHER. You’ll be also sitting with your partner during my class. So, your partner will be…"-and he started to choose a partner for each student. When Pan heard who’s her partner is, she couldn’t believe her ears. It was none other than Xevo, the boy with the glasses whom Bra called the nerdiest boy from the class. Suddenly, Pan noticed that Xevo was already sitting next to her.

-Hi…-Xevo started-My name is Xevo…it seems we’ll be working to…together.-Xevo said shaking and being blushed.
-Hi…my name is Pan.-Pan said, also being blushed.
-Nice to meet you…Pan!
-Nice…to meet you too…

    And with that they haven’t talked to each other anymore all day. A brand-new adventure awaits Pan, Bra, Marron and the new boy, Xevo...a teenager adventure. Find out more exactly on the next episodes of Dragon Ball F!