marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

Episode 7: Xevo Meets Bulma

    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Pan took Xevo to the Capsule Corporation, so Xevo could meet Bulma, but things didn't go that well as Pan hoped. Pan didn't realise that by bringing Xevo there might cause him to find out Pan's secrets. Will her secrets be revealed? Find out today on Dagon Ball F!

-Hi, Trunks!-Pan started fast-We were just looking at your album. Anyway, I would like you to meet Xevo, my new classmate.
-Hello!-Trunks greeted Xevo-Still, I don't quite like the idea of you coming into my room whenever you want. I do need my privacy, you know.
-Sure, no problem. Sorry, it will never happen again. Come on, Xevo! Let's go find Bulma!-however, Xevo was quite amazed by Trunks' entrance.
-What's with you?-Trunks asked Xevo.
-Dude, how did you fly in like that...without any ship?-Xevo asked amazed.
-What do you mean? I flew in all by myself.
-What he means to ask...-Pan cut in-Is that with what did you fly in?
-Huh?!-Trunks looked at her with a strange look, then he figured it out-Oh...well...I...with my shoes...yea, flying shoes...
-Wow, can I try?-Xevo asked amazed.
-Uhm…Sorry, pal. We’re still testing them, and it could be quite dangerous, but let me make you a deal: if it passes the tests, I’ll send you the first pair before putting  them on sale. Ok?
-Awesome! Thanks!
-Good. Well, it was nice meeting you, but I need to take a shower. So, if you don’t mind…
-Oh…ok. Let’s go, Xevo!-Pan said.
-Bye, Trunks. It was nice meeting you.-Xevo shouted.
-Bye.-Trunks yelled, then he closed the door rapidly-I really should put a locker on the door.-he said to himself.
-Wow, this day is so exciting!-Xevo said to Pan-And the best is yet to come.
-Yeah.-Pan agreed sarcastically.
    They finally arrived at Bulma's laboratory. She was there alright, working on a blue outfit.

-Hi, Bulma!-Pan greeted her.
-Oh, hi Pan!-Bulma greeted back.
-Sorry for disturbing you, but I brought a huge fan to meet you.
-Don’t worry. I was thinking to take a break anyway. How’s high school?
-It’s cool, so far. I would like you to meet Xevo.
-Hello.-Xevo started-I’m Pan’s boyfriend...-which made Pan blush, and after realizing what he just said, Xevo also blushed.
-Nice to meet you, Xevo. So, you're interested in science as well?
-Yea, I truly admire your work, and your fathers' work too, very much. I’m sincerely sorry for your loss. He really was a good man.
-Yeah, he was… I’m glad that even teenagers like my work. That means I’m not aging.
-No way, I think you look great for your age, very beautiful; it seems you're not aging at all.-while Bulma blushed-I just met the rest of your family. They seem great, especially your son, Trunks, who promised me a pair of flying shoes.
-Flying what?-Bulma asked amazed.
-So…-Pan cut in-What are you working on?
-Oh…I’m making an outfit for Vegeta that can weight 1000 times normal gravity, so he could train harder. But unfortunately, I can’t make it work, for some reason. But I’ll figure it out.
-1000 times normal gravity?!-Xevo asked amazed-How can anyone wear such heavy clothes? It would crush him immediately.- but Pan cut in again just in time:
-And that’s why Bulma can’t make it work because if she would, then Vegeta couldn’t wear it anyway.
-Not at first, but…Bulma started.
-Ok, Xevo. Let’s leave Bulma alone so she could work in peace.-and she started pulling Xevo with her.
-But there’s no need for you to leave…
-Bye, Bulma!-Pan shouted while reaching the exit door-I’ll tell mother you said hi to her!
-Goodbye, Mrs. Bulma!-Xevo shouted too-I hope we meet again and be able to talk more.
-But I’ve got time for that right now!-she yelled back, but before she could finish, the lab door closed-Guess not...-then she continued working like nothing happened.
    On the way out, Mrs. Brief invited Xevo and Pan for some cookies again, but they refused her once again telling her they had to study. "On a Friday?"-she asked, but they were long gone. Pan and Xevo were walking on the street, while the sun was setting down.

-Hmmm…-Xevo started-I wonder why Mrs. Bulma is making that outfit. I mean no one could possibly wear it. So why go to all the trouble inventing it?
-Well, you know inventors: they’ll invent anything, just so they could become famous and be the first to invent it.
-Yeah, but she’s already famous. Why waste time like that? I guess she is really aging…mentally at least. Oh well, at least her son is a great inventor. Just imagine me flying to high school with those shoes.
-Yea, imagine that!
    That was a close one for Pan. She should really be more careful if she wants to keep her secret a secret from Xevo, but how long will she be able to lie to him? Find out on the next episodes of Dragon Ball F!

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Episode 6: Meeting the Briefs

    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, it was Xevo's birthday and Pan wanted to surprise him by bringing him to meet his biggest idol’s daughter, Bulma. But Pan doesn’t realizes how wrong things could go; if she’s not careful, Xevo might find out the truth about her. Find out today what surprises await her and Xevo on Dragon Ball F!
    The two guards let Pan and Xevo in the mansion.

-Wow, this place is amazingly huge!-Xevo said in wonder.
-Wait until you see the lab.-Pan responded, while suddenly, Mrs. Brief came out of nowhere.
-Wooh...Hi, Pan!-she greeted the kids-How are you? And who is this handsome boy?
-Hi, Mrs. Brief! I’m fine, thank you. This is my boy…classmate, Xevo.
-Hi! It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Brief.-Xevo said.
-It is so nice to meet you too. You must be Pan’s boyfriend; you’re so cute together.-Pan and Xevo both blushed-Would you like some cookies? I backed them this morning…
-Some other time.-Pan cut in-Actually, we’re here to see Bulma. Can you tell us where she is?
-Where else? In her lab…She’s been working on a new invention. Unfortunately, she’s been losing her patience more and more often lately.
-Wow, I wonder what she's inventing this time?-Xevo asked wondering-Come on, Pan, let’s go find her.! See you later, Mrs. Brief!-then he grabbed Pan's hands, who blushed, and they ran away.
-I sure hope so!-Mrs. Brief yelled back-What nice kids.-she said to herself, then she walked away.
    Xevo kept running and pulling Pan with him until he thought they were out of Mrs. Briefs' sight for good. After making sure the coast is clear, they finally stopped.

-Mrs. Brief is really nice and all, but she talks too much, and sometimes she’s really annoying.-Xevo said after catching his breath.
-Yeah...-Pan added-But how do you know?
-I read a lot about her in a magazine called “Cancan.” I once read that they named her a “happy maniac."
    They both laughed. Suddenly, they heard a big noise. It sounded like a bomb went off, and it was coming from a room near them. They ran over there to take a look. They wanted to open the door, but the door was opened from the inside. It was Vegeta, who came out, and he had some bruises on his body, and his clothes were ripped off.

-Oh, hi Vegeta!-Pan said.
-Good day, M…Mr. Vegeta!-Xevo said frightened, while Vegeta looked at him with a serious face.
-And who might you be?-he asked.
-My name is Xevo, I’m…I’m Pan’s classmate. I came to see Mrs. Bulma, sir.
-Well, don’t let me stop you…-then he closed the door behind him and went towards the bathroom.
-Wow.-Pan thought to herself-This is Vegeta’s training room. This doesn’t look good. Come on, Xevo, let’s go!
-But…-Xevo started, but he didn’t have time to continue cause Pan pulled him with her.

    They continued heading towards the lab. While walking trough the corridor, Pan was acting like a tour guide:

-So, this is Bra’s room, who, as you can see, is not home now, and over there is Trunks’s room. He’s a genius too.-she said.
-I know. Do you think he would mind if we looked around?
-Don’t think so.
    They both entered the room. The room looked like a usual room for a usual boy with a bed for two persons, a TV, a computer, a balcony which was opened, some posters on the wall with singers and rafts filled with books, a closet door and a study desk.

-Nice room.-Xevo said.
-Look, here’s a photoalbum.-Pan pointed towards the raft-Wanna see?

    They both sat down on the bed and started looking at the album, when suddenly, Trunks flew inside through the opened balcony:

-Hey!-he yelled-What are you doing in my room?!
-Where did he come from?-Xevo shouted in wonder and being a bit scared.
    "Well, this meeting is sure not going well."-Pan thought and by now she was regretting ever having the idea of bringing Xevo there, but it was already too late. How will this meeting end? Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball F!

duminică, 18 octombrie 2009

Episode 5: Xevo's Birthday

    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Pan and Xevo finally made guts to talk to each other, but Pan decided not to tell him the truth about herself having super strength and other super abilities, so she told him some "small" lies. What other lies will she tell Xevo and how long will it be until Xevo finds out the truth? Find out only on Dragon Ball F!

    One week has passed since the events in the boy's toilet. The two thugs had no other choice than change their life style and be "good" for a change, especially, after one of them got a painful lesson from the principal. During their detention together, Pan found out many things about Xevo. Xevo was also an only child, just like Pan, having a regular, loving, hard-working parents who tried their best to please his every needs, not that Xevo was spoiled or anything. Xevo loved science, and he enjoyed making experiments. His biggest dream was to become a great inventor just like Mr. Brief was, Xevo's biggest idol. He always wanted to meet Mr. Brief in person, but the guards never let him in because Mr. Brief was already ill and lying in bed, as he needed rest. In the end, he passed away and Xevo was really devastated when he found out, because for him, Mr. Brief was like a mentor, a grandfather who he never met. And soon it Xevo's 15th birthday, so Pan had a great idea to surprise him.

    Another week later, she arranged a meeting with Xevo in a cafeteria. After eating some cake which Pan ordered and paid for, she blindfolded Xevo and took him somewhere. When Xevo took off the blindfold, he was very amazed. They were standing in front of the Brief's compound.

    Meanwhile, in Satan City, Trunks and Goten were having a drink in a pub with two girls. Junee, the one sitting next to Goten, was a 22-year old busy type blonde, while Niwa-chan was a 24 year-old redheaded, who seemed rather corny. They were talking about college and the crazy things they did there and they all seemed to enjoy themselves, however Trunks wasn't really.

-So, Niwa-chan...-Trunks started-What do you like about me?
-The three supers, dah...-she responded a bit drunk.
-The three SUPERS?
-Yea...You're SUPER rich, SUPER famous and SUPER sexy.
-Oh, I see...-Trunks replied disappointed of the response.
-What do you think about me?
-I find you really beautiful and all, but I don't think that you're my type. Sorry...-while Niwa-chan became too upset to say a word; after a short while, she stood up from the table.
-Please excuse me! I have to go to the bathroom...-then she hurried away barely holding herself back from crying.
-I'd better go with her.-Junee suggested, then she turned towards Goten-While I return, fill me up another round, will you?-afterwards, she went after Niwa-chan.
-Oh, boy...-Trunks sighed-I think it's best for me to leave.
-Sorry for wasting you time...-Goten apologized-I really thought you would like this one, that's why I invited her.
-No need for apology, Goten. It's really my fault for being so picky.
-Well, what qualities DO you seek in a girl?
-Unfortunately, I'm not sure either, which is really frustrating. Maybe she needs to be a geek like me, wearing big glasses with a nerdy look.
-Just because you're very smart, doesn't make you a geek.
-I know, I know...So, are you staying? I'm going home to take a shower.
-Well, I don't want to be rude and leave Junee here too, even though she's quite "expensive", if you know what I mean.
-Yea, I noticed.
-I've spent all my allowance on her, mother is going to kill me.
-What do you mean, allowance? I thought you were working at a car wash facility.
-Yea, but I still live with my mother, and she said that until I move out, she would take all my salary away and decide how much I can spend weekly.
-Bummer, man.
-I know. Sooo...I was wondering? Will you lend me some money until next week? I promise I will dump Junee by the end of this week, and will pay you back double.
-Here...-Trunks gave some money to Goten-And don't worry. You don't have to pay me back anything, I am SUPER rich, you know.-at which they both laughed.
-Thanks, Trunks. You're the best.
-Here they come now.-as Trunks noticed the two girls heading back to the table-I'm outta here. Be careful not to have too much fun!-then he suddenly vanished without anyone even noticing.

    Back at the Briefs' Residence:

-Wow, Pan, I don't know what to say...-Xevo started.
-No sweat!-Pan responded-Let's go in so you could meet Bulma.
-But the guards won't let us in just like that; she's probably very busy...
-Don't worry about that! And the guards WILL let us in because I know Bulma personally.
-Sure. Her family and my family know each other for a very long time. You have no idea what they've been through all these years. Plus, I can come and visit them whenever I want. Observe!-then she walked towards the guards and greeted them-Hello, Mr. Murayashi, Mr. Takimoto!
-Hi, Pan!-the guards saluted her.
-So, is Bulma home?
-Sure, come on in!-and they opened the gates.
-See?-she asked Xevo.
-Wow, Pan, you're the best!-Xevo said, and Pan turned away blushed.-I can hardly wait to meet Ms. Bulma, the daughter of the greatest inventor ever lived. I bet she's as good as her father was.

    But how will this meeting go? Not only, that Xevo is about to enter in one of the world's smartest family's house but one of the world's strongest family's house too. Find out what will happen on the next thrilling episode of Dragon Ball F!

sâmbătă, 26 septembrie 2009

Episode 4: What "Lies" Behind the Truth

    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Pan asked her father some "advices" so she wouldn't blush the next time she meets Xevo but will these advices help? Find out today on Dragon Ball F!

    After a long walk with her father, Pan went up in her room to think things clear:

"Why is this happening to me? This never happened to me before. Why do I blush around Xevo? Why? I guess my dad wasn't much of a help. Sure it was nice to hear how he and mama met and fell in love but how can I tell Xevo that I'm a freak with super powers with the ability of flying and shooting ki blasts? Not to mention I'm a lot stronger than any normal human... And why do I feel so weird when I'm with him? It's like my heart is about to explode, and I can't think clear...or say a word to him. Could this be love? Love at first-side? I wonder if he feels the same way?"

    On that night, Pan couldn't sleep well because of these questions. The morning came rapidly and Pan suddenly realized that someone knocked on her door:

-Pan, are you awake?-Videl asked-Hurry, or you'll be late for school, honey!-while Pan suddenly opened her eyes.
-Oh no!-she thought-I broke that stupid clock. I wonder what's the time?-then she looked at her watch, only to see it was already 7:41-Oh, boy! I'd better hurry up or I'll be really late.

    It was 7:52 when Pan left the house. She took off and burst through the clouds as fast as she could. When she reached the high school, she landed on its roof, so no one could see her, and reach to her classroom faster.

"Well, this is familiar."-she thought as she remembered her father telling her when he was in high school, he used to do the same thing; then she ran down the stairs to her classroom.

    It was 8:04 when she entered and luckily, the teacher wasn't in yet. She sat next to Bra, who asked her why was she late but the teacher came in, and everyone became silent. The day passed away quickly, and Pan hasn't even thought of Xevo because she was busy making new friends. So another day went by, then another, and another, until Friday came when they had physics again. Xevo sat next to her:

-Hi!-he said.
-Hello. you've been?
-Fine. Thanks. And you?

    Then silence. They didn't know what else to talk about, but Pan was determined to get to know him better so even though she was blushing, she continued:

-So, where do you live?
-Uhm... Not far from here. Why?-and then he shot his mouth regretting that he ever asked that.
-Why?-Pan thought to herself-What kind of a question is that?
-So...-Xevo started after a few minutes-Where do you live?
-Oh... I live far from here; in fact, I'm not really from this city. I live at Mount Paozu.
-Wow, that is indeed very far. So, you need to get up really early in the morning to get here.
-Actually, I wake up at 7:00 and still have time for breakfast at home.
-So what, you fly here?-then Pan realized she made a huge mistake, but luckily, she had an idea.
-Well, actually I do. I mean, my parents are so rich that they gave me as a birthday present my personal mini flying jet.
-Cool. But, where do you land that thing?
-Uhm...Well, on the high school's roof.
-Really? Does the principal allow such a thing? I didn't know that. I actually know a few rich kids, and the principal doesn't allow them to do such a thing, and they have jets too.
-Well, the principal actually knows my father for a long time now. You see, my father graduated at this very same high school.
-Awesome. So like father, like daughter, eh?
-You don't happen to be related to Mr. Satan, now do you?
-Who?! Me?! I wish. My parents just named me after his famous granddaughter, which is kind of stupid; not that I think she's stupid, or her name is stupid, I mean, I'm stupid or anything...-then her face became red as a cherry.
-Don't worry about it. I mean, it would be cool if you were her, but I still find you cool even though you're not, but not as cool as if you would be...Oh, boy...-Xevo also got cut up in his own words.

    Luckily for Pan and Xevo, the teacher came into the classroom, so their embarrassment didn't last long. However, after physics was over, they continued talking in the breaks, being less shy. But the day wasn't over yet. After 12 o' clock when Math was over, the fourth break of the day came, and Xevo could no longer hold it in, so he went to the toilet. And like every high school, this one also had its fair share of thugs, and Xevo looked like a perfect victim in their eyes. As soon as he arrived to the toilet, he saw two boys smoking in the corner. He didn't mind them at all, since he had other urgent "preoccupations". After washing his hands, he headed towards the exit door, but the two boys stood in front of him, blocking the way out. They looked big compared to him; if Xevo had to guess, they were in their last year, so they were around the age of 18.

-Mind getting out of my way?-Xevo asked rather scared, already knowing the outcome of this situation.
-Aren't you going to pay a fee for using the toilet?-one of the boys asked.
-You heard me? A little cash.
-I don't have any money right now, so...sorry.
-You seem like a newbie around here...the other boy started-Well, here's how it works: whenever someone uses the toilet and sees us here too, it means they have to pay way or another.
-That's silly! Now let me out of here before I tell the principal and have both of you expelled!
-Maybe...But you should also consider the fact that whenever school's over, you have to walk home, and if we catch you on the streets, there won't be no one to protect you.
-But I really don't have any money with me! My mother packed me some sandwiches...
-As I said, one way or another...-then, suddenly, he punched Xevo in the face, causing him a nosebleed.
-Now you may leave...-the other said with a smirk.
-And make sure to have some money with you whenever you decide to piss, or the next time, we will give you more than a punch.-then the bell rang, and the two thugs went outside, leaving Xevo alone.

    Xevo remained stunned and speechless. He was burning with fury, but he also felt hopeless against those thugs. Although size doesn't matter, the two boys were not only tall, but also very muscular, while Xevo looked like a plank compared to them. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket, cleaned the blood from his nose and went back in the classroom. When the teacher asked him, why he was late, Xevo didn't answer a thing, just sat down at his desk, and didn't make eye contact with anyone during the class, not even the teacher, who gave him an AWOL ( absence without leave ). Pan was sitting behind him, and could hardly wait for the next break to come so she could ask him whatever happened to him. The bell rang, and she immediately rushed next to him, only to notice a little swell on his right cheek.

-Xevo, what happened to you?-she asked him.
-Nothing...Leave me alone!-Xevo said turning away.
-I know we barely met, but you can trust me. Maybe I can help you out...
-You can't so just forget it!-he yelled embarrassed, then he went to the classroom's window, looking out sadly.

    Like everyone else, Bra also noticed that something was bothering Xevo, but decided not to intervene, however, Pan was too determined to find out the true cause of Xevo's sadness. Her only clue was the boy's toilet, since that's where Xevo said he was going before coming back all swelled up, and even though she despised the idea of going in there, she sort of imagined what could have happened to Xevo, and knew her answer would be definitely there, so she closed her eyes and went in. She saw a boy being beaten up by two tall boys. They immediately let him go, after seeing a girl in there, which definitely surprised even the bruised up boy, who was kneeling on the floor.

-Now this is something new...-one of the thugs said-How can we help you, missy?
-I would like to ask you a question...-Pan started rather calmly-...and please answer sincerely.
-Whatever pleases you...But what will we get in return? Maybe you can show us a little of your boobies.
-Oh, I'll show you...-still, Pan managed not to let her anger out just yet-So, did you or did you not punched a boy with glasses during last break?
-That twerp just couldn't keep his mouth shot, now could he?! He's so dead once the classes are over.
-I DON'T THINK SO!!!-Pan yelled so loud, that all the mirrors in the toilet broke into pieces.

    Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Xevo was still alone at the window feeling sorry for himself, when, all of a sudden, he noticed Bra standing behind him.

-Have you seen Pan?-she asked him.
-No, why?
-I just have a feeling that she's sort of in a trouble because of you.-which suddenly made Xevo turn around and face Bra.
-What do you mean, because of me?
-Everyone can see that someone beat you up for something, and knowing Pan, I think she went to..."pay" them back in a way.
-Is she nuts?! She's going to get into serious trouble!-then both he and Bra hurried towards the boy's toilet, only to see a big crowd of teenagers gathered around it.

    As they went through the crowd, the saw the two thugs filled with bruises knelt down in front of Pan, apologizing to her. Everyone was astonished by the view, especially Xevo, but everyone was also happy, especially the boys, for the thugs getting what they deserved. Of course, the event also got to a teacher's attention, who called the principal to the scene. However, by the time he got there, the students have already went inside the classrooms. But it didn't take long for him to find out the truth and the two thugs told the principal that a ninth grader girl bullied them and hurt them for no reason, even though they felt ashamed of saying such a thing. The principal immediately stormed into the ninth graders' classroom during Geography and asked the students who was responsible for the earlier event. However, no one said a word. When the principal started threatening them with detention, or even expulsion, before Pan could admit that it was her in the first place, Xevo stood up before her, taking the blame:

-It was me, sir.-Xevo admitted without regrets.
-Really?-the principal asked suspiciously-I was told it was a girl. And I don't think they could have mistaken you for one, and since you can't change your gender at will, I recommend that the real person stands up now, before I really lose my patience.-at which point, Pan suddenly stood up firmly, not wanting for anyone else suffering the consequences for her actions.
-I am the who you're looking for, sir...-she admitted slowly.
-And pray tell me, how does a little, innocent looking girl beat up two strong 18 year-old boys? And more importantly, why?
-They deserved it, sir. I had to teach them a lesson, they were bullying the entire school.
-And no one told me this until now because...?
-They threatened to hurt them if anyone said anything.
-LIES!!!-the principal shouted, mostly because one of the thugs was actually his son, and even though he was ashamed protecting him, he still wanted to cover up his mess-I will not tolerate liars and troublemakers. You, girl, will get a one-week detention for causing trouble, while you, boy...-pointing at Xevo-...will get a one-week detention for lying starting from next week, Monday. Do I make myself clear?!
-Yes, sir.-Pan and Xevo said in unison.
-Good.-then the principal looked towards the Geography teacher-Sorry for interrupting your class, Mister Umizoka! -then he left the classroom, while everyone felt relieved, even the teacher.

    After the class was over, Xevo went next to Pan's and Bra's desk:

-How in Earth did you managed to beat them up, anyway? Are you sure you're not Mr. Satan's granddaughter?
-I assure you, I'm not.-Pan said acting confidently in order to convince him, while Bra became surprised.
-Then how...?
-I went to a lot of World Martial Arts Tournaments since I was a kid and I guess I learned a few moves while watching the others fight.
-If you say so, but just that you should know, I am more clever than an average boy, or a human being for that matter, and I will find out the truth sooner or later.
-If there were any...-Pan said calmly, however, inside she started to get worried.
-I'll see you then in detention.-Xevo's last words were, as he went back to his desk.
-Why did you just lie to him about yourself?-Bra asked Pan in a silent tone.
-Would you have done otherwise if you were me?-Pan asked feeling sorry that she had to-I just can't tell him how...different I am from him. Not yet, anyway. We barely started talking, so give me a break!
-Suit yourself. Better sooner than later, that's what my motto is.

    At last, Pan and Xevo managed not only to have a conversation, but they also got into their first trouble together. However, Pan wasn't exactly honest towards him, and now she will have to be extra careful around him. But how long can she keep lying to him? Find out on the next exciting episodes of Dragon Ball F!

luni, 24 august 2009

Episode 3: Help from Papa?


    On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, high school started for Pan and Bra, and Pan met a boy named Xevo and both seemed to like each other, but they were to shy to say anything. Plus, they became work partners as well and will have to start making projects and working together, or they'll receive bad marks from physics. Will Pan find a way not to be shy anymore around Xevo and the other way around? Find out today on Dragon Ball F!

    School day ended and now Pan was flying home alone. She refused Marron and Bra to hang out with them saying she wasn't feeling well. Chi-Chi and Videl were home washing the dishes while talking about Goku and the others.

-So, are you mad at Goku for not visiting anymore and being away for so long?-Videl asked.
-No...-Chi-Chi started-I'm not mad at him; I'm used to not having him around. I know he loves us very much, and that's why he left us in the first place...
-How's that?
-He knew that with a proper training, that boy, Uub, could become very strong and afterwards, he too could help out fighting evil forces. He wants to protect us and Planet Earth at all cost, and even though our sons are very strong, he feels that the Earth needs more heroes, REAL heroes...-at which Videl knew that Chi-Chi was referring to Mr. when the time comes, Goku could pass away in peace.
-Yeah...But Pan really misses him. I can see that, even though she doesn't want to talk about it. And I'm afraid to let her go to look for her grandfather wherever he is. I mean, for all we know, he could be on another planet. And she hates me for that...
-Don't worry, Videl. She doesn't hate you. She hates Goku for letting her alone and not visiting her anymore like he promised to. I just hope he has a good reason for not visiting us anymore, or I'll never cook him a meal for the rest of my life. And he likes my cooking more than...even me-they both laughed, when suddenly, Pan came in:
-Hi, mama, grand mama!
-Oh, hi Pan!-Videl greeted her-How was your first day of high school?
-It was pretty awesome, I guess. We have a really mean physics teacher though; he lectured us on our first day. Can you believe that?
-Wow, he really does seem mean, but it's all for your best.-Chi-Chi added-It's good to see that today's teachers still take their work serious. I have no idea who Goten's teachers were, for him to beome such a slacker. I knew I should have also sent him to the Orange Star High School.
-Anyway, where are the others?
-Well, your father is somewhere in the forest training with Goten and Trunks.-Pan's mother responded.
-Cool, I'll go watch them. See ya!
-Wait, don't you want to eat first?-Videl asked, but by the time she finished, the door was already shut.

    Gotenks was charged up to SSJ3 and attacked Gohan from behind. Gohan, however, sensed him just in time to avoid his punch. Gohan teleported himself out of Gotenks' way above him and banged Gotenks in the head with both of his hands, while Gotenks fell on the ground.

-Ouch, that really hurt, you know!-Gotenks shouted.
-And what are you going to do about it?-Gohan asked with a smirk.
-I'll show you!-then Gotenks used his Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack and ten white ghosts came out of his mouth-Attack!!!-he yelled and all the ghosts charged at Gohan.

    Gohan tried to shoot them down with small ki blasts, but he only managed to hit one of them. After that, he flew into the woods and tried to zig-zag them and shot more ki blasts, this time hitting more than one ghost. He kept shooting them until only one remained. The ghost was only several inches away from Gohan and Gohan couldn't shoot him nor teleport from its way. Suddenly, a pink ki blast appeared out of nowhere, and it hit the ghost, causing the ghost to explode in Gohan's face, who, nonetheless, was grateful for escaping the explosion itself. Gohan wondered who could have helped him, but he had no time to answer that question cause Gotenks attacked him by surprise and punched him in the stomach, then kicked Gohan in the balls and banged him to the ground; he was preparing to shoot Gohan with a big energy wave, when, all of a sudden, Pan appeared out of nowhere and kicked Gotenks in the head, throwing him through several trees.

-Hey, that's not fair!-Gotenks whined, while standing up.
-Well, you had my papa out numbered. Do you think that's fair?-Pan asked with a smirk.
-Yea but...-then the Fusion wore off, and Goten and Trunks separated from each other.
-Nice job, Pan!-Gohan said eventually.
-Yea but, that's cheating!-Goten said being pissed off.
-We would have beaten you Gohan if it weren't for her, and you know it!-Trunks added.
-Actually, you wouldn't have...-Gohan responded.
-What?!-Goten and Trunks asked altogether-How come?
-Well, first of all, you were holding back, you didn't treat me as your enemy. Secondly, you were fooling around as always, you're never serious.
-Well, that's Goten's fault; he's always fooling around, just like his father!-Trunks yelled being mad at Goten.
-Don't blame me! You wanted to tease him, not me!
-Well, I think Gohan is the non serious here, plus his cheating!-Trunks said rapidly, being blushed.
-Yeah, you're right.-Goten rapidly agreed-Let's go, Trunks! Let's train with your dad. I mean his always serious, it'll be great to train with him.-and they flew away as fast as possible, while Gohan and Pan looked at them confused.
-Well, that was weird.-Pan said after a few seconds.
-That sure was.-Gohan added-Anyway, thanks for rescuing me back there. I think that they really had me there. I guess I've gotten soft as well, not training as much as I should. Boy, my dad would be so disappointed if he were here.
-Anyway...-Pan cut in wanting to change the subject-I met a boy today at the high school, and I was wondering...
-Uhm...Don't you think you should talk about this with your mother?
-No papa, I mean sure, she would give me tons of advices but from her point of view, and I want to know how a boy of my age thinks. Maybe you can tell me how was it when you first met mama, what emotions did you have, how did you act when you were near her, weren't you shy and stuff like that? I want to know what boys my age are made of so I wouldn't blush the next time I meet him.
-Uhm...sure, why not?

    As we leave Gohan telling his daughter what boys are made of, we can only wonder will Pan be ready the following day to meet his new boyfriend, Xevo, again, and not blush or will they be so shy that they won't even say a word to each other...again. Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball F!

sâmbătă, 22 august 2009

Episode 2: First Day of High School for Pan and Bra

    It was 6:45 in the morning. Suddenly, a bird-like clock started to yell:

-Rise and shine, Pan! Rise and shine! Wake up you sleepyhead or you’ll be late for school! Rise and shine, Pan! Rise and shine…BOOM!!!-suddenly, Pan blast it with a little energy ball.
-Personal note…-she said to herself-Remind myself never keep Bra’s birthday presents...their annoying.

    It was the 15th September, which meant that school was starting. Pan was now 14 years old, so it was time for her to start high school. While usually teenagers are very excited about this, Pan however was far too sleepy to bother with it. She slowly dressed up, packed some sandwiches and took off towards the city. But she was flying so slowly, that even a dog could outrun her. It was a cloudy morning in West City and after a "long" fly, Pan finally arrived at the school. It was already 7:55, and Pan saw in the air that her best friend, Bra, was waiting her impatiently in front of the school. Pan carefully landed in the back of the school so no one could see her, then she hurried to meet up with her friend before it was too late. Bra, much like her father, was very impatient, not to mention unforgiving; if pissed off, she could hold a grudge for weeks. The last time Pan upset her, she haven't spoken to Pan for a whole month. But after that, however, you couldn't separate them not even for a minute, as Pan often slept at the Briefs mansion. Because of their strong bond, they were more than best friends, they were like sisters.

-Finally…-Bra started after seeing Pan running towards her-What took you so long?
-Sorry, but I went to bed really late last night, and I…-Pan started, but was cut off by her angry friend.
-Never mind, let’s go or we’ll be late on our first day of high school. Come on!
-Coming…-Pan said still being sleepy.

    Their first class passed away very quickly. Until the end of the class Pan managed to wake up somehow. In the break, she and Bra met Marron in the hallway.

-Marron, what are you doing here?-Bra asked.
-Well, I did graduate here as well, you know. My mom decided that it's time for me to look for a job, so I was passing by and thought I should visit for old time's sake. I did many crazy things here...
-Yeah, tell me about it. I still can't believe the rebel you've become over the years. You were so nice back when we were kids.
-Yea well, high school changes people. You'll see...So girls, what do you think?-Marron asked.
-It’s awesome! I never thought high school could be so exciting.
-And what about you, Pan?
-Yea, it’s great…-Pan replied uninterestedly.
-What’s with her?-Marron asked Bra.
-She’s still a bit sleepy.-Bra answered.
-So, how many handsome boys are in your class?
-Well…-Bra started-To be exact, only one out of eleven.
-Only one?
-Yea, the others are all weird-looking and nerds.
-Wow, that’s too bad…
-Well, there is another boy whose kind of good-looking.-Pan added-I meant, he’s kind of cute.-then she blushed.
-Yeah right…-Bra said out loud-The boy with the glasses?! Like he’s the nerdiest of them all!
-He is not!-Pan yelled back.
-So girls...-Marron cut in to avoid any further tensions-Let me show you around, like where you can smoke without being caught or where you can hide out when you want to skip classes or…
-But Marron, we don’t smoke.-Pan said.
-And skip classes? You’re actually allowed to do that?-Bra asked.
-Well, not really, but that’s the fun of it, and sometimes it’s “healthy” too, if you know what I mean. Very often the teachers will give you too much homework and stuff to learn, that you feel your head is about to explode. It’s really stressful, and that's why skipping classes becomes so healthy.
-Well, I guess you have a point there.-Bra agreed.
-Now come on! The break won’t last forever, you know!

    The break indeed ended rapidly, and second class started. It was physics. An old grumpy looking man entered the classroom. He didn’t say anything, he just started writing some equations, numbers and words on the blackboard while the students looked at him amazed. After finishing writing on the blackboard, the man turned around and started:

"Hello, everyone! My name is Mr. Tao Kinto. I’ll be your physics teacher. I know that today is your first day of high school but in my opinion, why waste time, so I decided to start teaching you on this very day. And this will happen whether it’s a high school special day, or any holiday what so ever. I don't care even if the school is under attack by terrorists, or it's the end of the world; you'll be seeing me, even if I'm ill. So, starting with today, I will divide you in groups. I will choose for each of you, a working partner and your assign will be to prepare an essay or a work for every month together, so if you fail, you'll fail TOGETHER. You’ll be also sitting with your partner during my class. So, your partner will be…"-and he started to choose a partner for each student. When Pan heard who’s her partner is, she couldn’t believe her ears. It was none other than Xevo, the boy with the glasses whom Bra called the nerdiest boy from the class. Suddenly, Pan noticed that Xevo was already sitting next to her.

-Hi…-Xevo started-My name is Xevo…it seems we’ll be working to…together.-Xevo said shaking and being blushed.
-Hi…my name is Pan.-Pan said, also being blushed.
-Nice to meet you…Pan!
-Nice…to meet you too…

    And with that they haven’t talked to each other anymore all day. A brand-new adventure awaits Pan, Bra, Marron and the new boy, Xevo...a teenager adventure. Find out more exactly on the next episodes of Dragon Ball F!

sâmbătă, 15 august 2009

Episode 1: Peace and Harmony...but for How Long?

    SSJ2 PAN


    10 years have passed since Goku flew away with Uub to train him. Since then, many things have changed in our heroes' lives. Although, Goku left his family in a rush, he still visited them once in a while. But in the last five years he hasn't shown up anymore, being occupied with the hard training and all. In the last five years, he went in a search to gather all the Dragon Balls along with Uub. They had some problems in their journey, but nothing that the strongest Saiyan in the Universe couldn't handle. After gathering the Dragon Balls, Goku took Uub to the Other World to train him properly, which was granted by both King Yemma and Grand Kai. Finally, they continued training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Even though, it is stated that a person can only enter the chamber twice in his lifetime, Goku still had two more turns, since he was revived during the fight with Majin Buu. But even after so much training, Goku hadn't managed to surpass his Super Saiyan 3 form, though he did learn to master it; now he could stay in that form for unlimited time. Of course, having such a long golden hair was quite annoying, not to mention a great vulnerability, but the power the form provided was worth it. Uub's power also grew considerably over the years, giving SSJ3 Goku a hard time defeating him.

    Satan City hasn't changed much. Mr. Satan was still the champion of the world, at least that's what the people thought. Buu was still living with him and protected the champion when needed. Unfortunately, their beloved dog, Bee, passed away. Along with Bee, Master Roshi's turtle passed away too, along with Mr. Brief, Bulma's father. Meanwhile, the others continued living their lives. Bulma still ran the Capsule Corporation with the help of her son, Trunks. Trunks, however, didn't like this job much, but he wanted to help his mother out and please her right after his grandfather passed away. He much preferred training to work, often sparring with his father, Vegeta, and sometimes with his best friend, Goten. But the most he enjoyed hanging out in pubs, meeting and dating girls, who, of course, found him extremely handsome and were all over him. However, Trunks felt that none of them was THE ONE of him; they were either just interested in him for the fame and money, while others Trunks found too sensitive or spoiled. Goten, however, didn't mind all these and just went along the ride. Whenever Trunks met him, he was always with a different girl, changing them as often as his underwear. Like Trunks, Goten was also looking for the right one, that's why he decided to date as many as he could until he would find her, unlike his friend, who was more shy around them. Of course, neither Goten, nor Trunks, slept with any of them.

    Goku's first son, Gohan, had given up training almost completely and dedicated his life teaching. He became a literature professor in one of the finest universities in West City. He was still considered the strongest Z Fighter, but considering the extreme lack of training, even Gotenks could defeat him, if it weren't for his cockiness. Even so, he and his wife, Videl, often put on their Saiyaman costumes and fought crime and made justice. Their daughter, Pan, was now 14 years old, and she was preparing to go to high school along with Bra. And because Bra was one year older than Pan, Bra skipped a year and stayed home, so she and Pan could apply together like best friends. They both applied at the Orange Star High School. Yamcha and Puar went their separate ways from Bulma, and had never been seen or heard from since. Tien, however, has been married with Lunch since the Cell games, and now they have a 24-year-old son called Khitan Shan. Krillin is still living at the Kame house with his wife, Number 18, and their daughter, Marron, who's now 23 years old, along with Master Roshi and Oolong. Unlike her parents, Marron turned out almost "normal", with little energy. She rarely used it too, usually for flying into the city, but she much prefered speeders ( a very fast vehicle ). Roshi, being perverted as always, many times spied on Number 18 when she was taking a bath, but he has also been caught by her almost every time, and of course, clobbered. Yajirobe still lived with Korin, but things got a bit interesting in Korin's Tower since Yajirobe found himself a spoiled, fat girlfriend, and they got married. Her name was Miran and eventually they moved away.

    Vegeta spent most of his time training, and even though he admitted that Goku was better than him, he still had some desires left in him that one day he would at least match Goku's power, if not surpass it. Of course, he did other things too, other than training, like watching sports, and playing some on his own, for instance bowling or target practicing, which of course, he did using ki blasts rather than bullets. And having a teenager daughter also brought some major changes, especially in his attitude. Unlike Trunks, who didn't bother much not always having his father around, Bra however, literally forced her father whenever she desired, to hang out with her, for instance, him taking her to shopping. At some point, she almost managed to convince him to get a hair cut, but the prince was too proud of his long spiky hair, and just couldn't do it. While hanging out so much with his daughter, Vegeta learned to use more slang words, suprising even Bulma.

    And finally, the Namekian alien, Piccolo, continued training and meditating but didn't get any stronger; he trained only to keep his strength fit. He did, however, have a new training partner now, who was also his pupil; the person was none other than Pan. Although, he wasn't as hard on her like he was with Gohan, his training was still quite rigorous. Piccolo was very amazed of her power, in within only 10 years of training, she already surpassed his. However, just like her father when he was a kid, Pan also couldn't control it. By now, Pan already ascended to Super Saiyan 2, while Bra, who had less interest in fighting, Super Saiyan 1. But the weird part is that, unlike Bra, Pan's hair doesn't turn gold when she goes super; she only has the yellow aura surrounding her. Gohan's explanation was that because Pan was only a 1/4 Saiyan, her Super Saiyan transformation is a bit different. But nonetheless, when fully unleashed, her power could take on Cells' anytime.

    Everything was going well for our heroes, but nothing lasts forever, especially peace, and soon they will have to face new challenges, fight old and new enemies to save the Earth and the Universe...

marți, 4 august 2009



HI! My name is Szili. I'm 22 years old, and I'm from Romania. When I first heard of the existence of Dragon Ball GT, I couldn't be more excited. I was about 12-13 years-old back then. I begged my older cousin who has seen it many times to tell me the story of GT whenever I met him, cause I didn't have the possibility to watch it because no channel broadcasted it, and I didn't have a computer nor Internet. I often went to the Internet Cafe and paid to see some DBGT clips or read about it.
Four years later I bought a computer and bought from a friend of mine the first 35 episode of GT. I was so excited about it. However, that wasn't enough cause, they were 29 episodes more to watch. After 1 year, I bought a Sagem my511X which allowed me to watch 3GP clips, and luckily, I even found a site, now called, where I could download such clips, which were converted that way from the YouTube and other sites as well. Then I decided to download the rest of the Dragon Ball GT episodes from there. Then again, I was cursed. After a short while, my phone didn't let me download clips bigger than one MB. Once again, luck still was on my side cause on you can download clips in parts, and a part lasts about 40 seconds, so in order to see a full episode I had to download about 18 parts. Imagine that! So many obstacles were in my way just to see the brand-new series of Dragon Ball which I later found out that it was already 10 years old.
Even so, I guess it was worth it, although DBGT was a bit lame, and I was rather disappointed. That's why I decided to rewrite Dragon Ball GT my own way, a way which many of you would have liked better. Of course, there will be some resemblance to GT and to the fanfic AF, but I will make it as original possible. I will try to write it as Akira Toriyama would have...Well, not really...I mean, I can't compare myself to the great Akira, he's better than me 100 times. However, I will try my best, and I hope many Dragon Ball fans will read it with pleasure.
This series will be called Dragon Ball F (Finale). I really hope you will find it exciting, funny and interesting as well, and I hope you'll forgive me for any grammar and spelling errors.
Before I get started, I would like you to know that I will follow the story of the original stories, and I will only include some movies. As you all know, the DBZ movies have a different timeline, but I will still include some of them, which correspond to the original series, like: "Dead Zone","Bardock-The Father of Goku" and "The History of Trunks." I also won't include the two-part Ova's and the new "Episode of Bardock" cause that wasn't written by Akira Toriyama. Nor Tarble, Vegeta's brother, will appear in this series. And if you have any comments, here's my Yahoo e-mail and messenger ID: ssj4_goku19. Furthermore, you can also check out my Deviantart account: or you can also find me on, where my nickname is Megasaiyan21. And if you find my stories on other sites as well, like forums...don't worry, it's me:))
Anyway, let the story begin...

sâmbătă, 25 iulie 2009

A New Beginning...

Hi everyone! This is my first blog ever created! On this blog, I shell retell Dragon Ball GT my own way, a way that very likely many of you would have liked or preferred. I read that Dragon Ball GT wasn't a success as probably you may know by now. I'm from Romania and my English won't be that good, but I will try my best to please you. As you can see, I changed the name of the series and called it Dragon Ball F (Finale). I hope you'll like my version too or even more...