marți, 2 iulie 2013

Choosing the Right Man - Part Three

    The big day has arrived; it was August 26th and there was a big party held at the Brief's residence. The party was held outside in the garden which was decorated accordingly. Bulma invited a lot of her high school and university friends over and they were all having a blast, remembering the good old days when they were young and living a careless life with no worries. Of course, Yamcha and some of the rest of the Z gang were also there: Puar, Oolong, Chi Chi, Ox-King, Master Roshi and his turtle, Krillin, who stated that he couldn't contact Goku, Gohan and Piccolo who were off training who knows where and nor Tien and Chiaotzu for that matter. Of course, Bulma was sad for not having Goku and the others at her party but she was more sad about someone else not being present there.

    It soon became night to everyone's relief as the weather got cooler and it was time to open the presents. Bulma received all sorts of neat gifts from her friends, from perfumes, jewelry, new dresses, to the latest books about science and laboratory equipment. But one peculiar gift got her attention: it was a small black box covered with a white ribbon. As she slowly unwrapped it, she noticed that the box was actually made from some sort of metal which weighted at least 10 grams. Bulma was very curious what could it be in it, so she rapidly opened it only to see the most beautiful pair of golden circle earrings she ever saw in her life which seemed to actually glow as if they were fluorescent or something. "Wow, Yamcha really outdone himself this time."-she thought to herself smiling, then she took them out of the box and hurried inside the house to try them on. She was so excited, she didn't even bother to turn the lights on in the living room, as there was enough light shining in from outside the yard where the party was held. She stood in front of the mirror and as she took the earrings out, she noticed they were indeed somewhat glowing beautifully in the dark which was both fascinating and strange. "These can't be made out of gold, gold doesn't glow in the dark, but they're nonetheless beautiful."-so she hurried and took off her old earrings and put on the new ones. She was very pleased at the sight in the mirror as the earrings made her look impeccable. She was smiling to herself with joy and could hardly wait to thank Yamcha for the outstanding gift, when all of a sudden, a voice from behind her startled her:

-I see you like them.-an unexpected familiar voice said behind her.
-Vegeta?-she asked surprised, then she turned around and saw a black silhouette in the dark, and as the silhouette approached her, the lights shining in from outside revealed that the person was indeed the man who called himself the prince of all Saiyans-When did you get back? I didn't hear you landing...
-I wanted to surprise you so I landed in a forrest nearby. I...I apologize if I startled you.-however, Bulma was rather astonished by Vegeta's unusual behaviour.
-Are you sure you're THE Vegeta and not some mind controlling alien parasite inside him?-at which Vegeta blushed, but didn't reply-It's OK, don't worry about it.-she continued eventually-But did you really buy these for me?
-Well, I haven't actually brought them.
-You stole them?!
-No, of course not!
-Oh my gosh, please tell me you didn't kill someone for them!
-KILL?! Listen up woman! When I kill someone, I make sure I have at least one good reason for doing so.
-Oh yeah, I'm sure you had a terrific reason for killing all those Namekians not so long ago.
-Of course I did. They wouldn't tell me where the Dragon Ball was so I forced it out of them. Whether I enjoyed doing it or not, well, that's another question.-at which Vegeta began smirking-Anyway, these aren't actually golden earrings as you might have noticed; they're made out of a much-much more valuable metal. It is called Rosat and it is the rarest and most valuable metal in the galaxy. It can only be found on a certain planet called Tasle, which I might add, is very far from here. I personally searched and found enough amount of metal and had it turned them into earrings by a local while I gave the leftovers to him.
-Wow, so you're a nice guy after all.-Bulma added teasingly-You're a nice guy but usually behaving bad.
-Just shut it! I only wanted to show you my gratitude for letting me staying at your house for the time being. I don't like to be pitied so I repaid you by giving you something VERY valuable in exchange.
-Gee, thanks a lot. I feel much better now knowing that you felt obliged to gave me these earrings. Vegeta, a present should be given to someone only if you really mean it and not because you have to.
-I knew this was a bad idea! I'm going back in space where I can train in peace.-and just when he turned and started to leave outside, Bulma realized she did not want him to leave her again. -Please, don't go! I really like them; they're very beautiful. Thank you very much.
-Don't mention it.-Vegeta replied with a pleased smirk, then he disappeared into the dark.

    Bulma knew she managed to convince Vegeta not go back into space again, so she felt relieved. She then looked at herself in the mirror for one last time, smiled with joy and headed outside in the garden. The party was still going on, the music was playing out loud, many of Bulma's friends were dancing to the beat, her father was discussing with some of Bulma's nerdy colleagues from work about scientific stuff, while her mother was serving the guests with food and drinks. Master Roshi, of course, was trying his best to get some attention from the females, so he mingled in the crowd and as he danced around, on many occasions he ACCIDENTALLY touched many of the women's buttocks. But after a while, the women found out about his true intentions and that he was a pervert, so Master Roshi got slammed on the face by everyone one of them until his entire face got red like a cherry. Eventually, Master Roshi gave up on his plans and sat down at the round table where the rest of the Z gang was, who were laughing their buts off. Bulma, of course, also started laughing at Master Roshi's never-ending pervertism, but suddenly, something got her attention. She saw Vegeta making his appearance, who set down next to the Z gang as well, with a can of beer in his hand. Bulma so wanted to join her Z friends, especially Vegeta, when all of a sudden, she was told by one of her girlfriend that Yamcha wanted Bulma to meet him inside her room. At the table where the Z gang was sitting, Krillin and the others couldn't help but notice Vegeta actually joining them. Unfortunately, Krillin was already quite drunk, so he foolishly began teasing Vegeta.

-Wow, Vegeta!-he started while hiccupping a few times-I didn't knew you were a party type guy. The next thing you'll tell me is that you also like to dance. Well, Vegeta? Let me see you shake it, shake it!-then Krillin stood up from the table and started shaking his butt back and forth in a perv manner.
-Now listen up you bald-headed buffoon!-while Vegeta also stood up from the table and grabbed Krillin's shirt angrily-I don't like to party and I certainly don't like YOU. As soon as I ascend to a Super Saiyan I shall destroy the androids, defeat and kill Kakarot and after I'm finished with him you're next.-at which as drunk Krillin may have been, he swallowed hard-just then, Bulma suddenly showed up running outside from the house extremely happy towards the guests in the garden while she shouted with joy:
-Guess what everyone? Yamcha just asked me to be his wife!-at which everyone started congratulating her, however one particular person became very pissed off when hearing the news and immediately left the table without anyone noticing.

    Later, we see Vegeta in the gravity ship located nearby in a forest punching and kicking the air madly at super speed. This time, however, the gravity wasn't turned on at all as he wasn't really in the mood to train, he was only blowing off some steam while cursing to himself out loud:

-Damn it all to hell! Just when I actually decided to give a chance to a possible future relationship with that woman, that low life insect decided to propose to her. And she looked really happy when she told us the news...Hmph! And here I thought she would choose me over him anytime. From what I understand from reading her mind is that she and Yamcha know each other from way back and have some sort of strong connection with each other. If only I have met her a bit earlier...This is just plain stupid! I am the stronger one, that prick doesn't stand a chance against me, so I should be the one who gets the girl. Why, if I didn't have any dignity, I would just take her by force into space and screw her. Maybe I will too...-when all of a sudden, he realized that he wasn't alone anymore-And what do you want, BLUEE?-he asked with a smirk without turning around to see who it was.
-I...I came to make a...proposition to you M...Mr. Vegeta.-the other person mumbled frightened who was none other than Puar.
-Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! And what could possibly a floating blue pussy cat offer me?
-I...I can offer you...BULMA.-when, all of a sudden, Vegeta's face became serious.
-And what makes you think I want her?
-I saw you at the table, how pissed off you became when Bulma told us about Yamcha proposing to her, how you angrily left the table. And it doesn't take a genius to see that Bulma also cares for you a lot. She might like you more than you think.
-Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you this instant for having the guts to come here with these preposterous insinuations?
-Because...because if I disappear without a trace just like that, Yamcha and everyone else will immediately suspect a hot-tempered person like you and have Goku kill so you can say bye-bye to becoming the "legendary" Super Saiyan.-Puar answered firmly.
-Ok, I'm listening.-Vegeta said while squeezing his right fist madly-How do you plan to make Bulma choose me over that blasted Yamcha?
-First of all, you will start going out with a woman, thus making Bulma jealous. Then, after a short while, I will make my move and trick them.
-That doesn't sound too promising.
-Trust me, it will work. Either way, I don't think you have as much experience in this as I do.
-You're quite right.-Vegeta responded with a smirk.-If it was up to me, I would just kill that Yamcha and steal Bulma away from him and all this within a second if I didn't have to worry about Kakarot's wrath afterward. But tell me something! Why are you so interested in breaking them up in the first place? Isn't Bulma like your friend or something?
-And that's mainly the reason why I'm doing that. Yamcha will never be able to hold himself back from flirting with other girls, he's kinda like Master Roshi but not that worse. If Bulma marries him, she will only get hurt and be devastated later on.
-You said mainly. What is your other reason if I might ask?
-I guess I'm also a bit jealous myself. Not that me and Yamcha could ever be together, it's sort of a friend jealousy type I guess, meaning he won't hang out with me as much if he marries her or someone else.
-All right. We have a deal then. But that other woman better be a lot hotter than Bulma or it will never work.
-Oh, don't worry, she's mega-hot.

    Two unexpected characters, a cat and a Saiyan made a deal to break Yamcha and Bulma up for good and have Vegeta to have Bulma to himself. Will their plan work? Find out on the next exciting part of "Choosing the Right!