marți, 11 mai 2010

Episode 12: Growing Tensions


    Last time on Dragon Ball F, Pan finally revealed her secrets to Xevo, and he accepted her. However, when things were going to well for Pan, Goku decided to go home, and ruined all her happiness.
    She was standing at the door looking amazed at Goku, as she couldn't believe that her grandfather came home just like that. Then she remembered the promise he made to her, a promise which he didn't keep. Suddenly, she became furious:

-So, aren't you going to give grandpa Goku a hug? Don't tell me you don't recognize me! I haven't changed that much. Well, my outfit did.-and indeed, Goku was wearing a totally different outfit: both his pants and shirt were of a bluish-white color, including his belt, while his wrist and ankle bands were yellow, and as for his shoes, they were black-So, are the others' home? I can't wait to see them!-Pan was so furious by the time, that she turned around and slammed the door loudly, at which Goku wondered why she'd done that; after a short while he opened the door a bit and peaked in:-Pan, is everything alright? Are you mad at me for not visiting you lately?
-Lately?!-she asked madly from upstairs-You call FIVE YEARS lately?!- while Goku didn't notice that behind him Gohan, Goten, Chi-Chi and Videl were returning home from shopping.
-Father!-Gohan yelled not far away-You're back!
-Goku!-Chi-Chi yelled also.

    Goku looked behind and became really happy to see the rest of his family again. Gohan ran towards his father and hugged him. The same did the others too. After that they all went inside.

-Where were you, father?-Goten asked.
-Well, you know me. Looking for some adventures and training Uub really hard.
-How strong did he get?-Gohan asked.
-He might be stronger than you, Gohan. I see you haven't trained much since I left.
-No, sir.
-Well, Goku...-Chi-Chi started-You should know that our son has become a teacher in a famous university since you left.
-Really? That's great. It's what you've always wanted. Congratulations, son! And what about you, Goten? What have you been up to since I left?
-Well, dad, me and Trunks have been training a lot together so we can transform into a Super Saiyan 3 without having the need to fuse, but since Mr. Brief died, he got really busy and...
-What?! Mr. Brief died?
-Yes, Goku-Videl responded.
-Oh gosh! How did he die?
-Well, he was very old...He passed away in normal conditions, and he didn't suffer much...
-Darn! I wasn't here at his funeral. How's Bulma?
-She's fine.-Chi-Chi responded-Don't worry.
-Has anyone else passed away since I've been gone?
-Well, dad...-Gohan started-Master Roshi's turtle passed away too.
-Oh, darn it! I can't believe I wasn't here to say good-bye to him too. Pan's right, I've been gone for too long. I've neglected you all!
-No, Goku.-Chi-Chi said-You did what you thought was the right thing to do.
-And I was wrong.

    They all fell to silence. After a while, they continued talking, and everyone told Goku how the others were doing and what happened since his last visit home. Meanwhile, ten round space pods, similar in which Nappa and Vegeta arrived years ago for the first time on Earth, landed on the surface of New Namek, and ten creatures came out of them. All of them were different kind of species, some looked like two-legged lizards or crocodiles, while others resembled to humans, nonetheless, they all looked hideous; they all wore different outfits and different colored scouters and at first sight, one would say, they were Frieza's henchmen. And boy, were they ever, meaning that Frieza's plan was already in motion.

-You were right, sir.-a green skinned male half animal-half human looking trooper said towards a male blue skinned creature with two horns, who appeared to be the leader of the squadron.-This was a perfect spot to land cause noone detected us landing here.
-Good.-the leader said-We will ambush those stupid Namekians...HA-HA-HA-HA! They won't even know what hit them.

    Goku finished training Uub and went home, but Pan wasn't glad at all to see him. Frieza's henchmen landed on New Namek, and they are planning to attack the Namekians. Will the Namekians be able to defend themselves? Find out on the next thrilling episode of Dragon Ball F!

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