On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Pan and Xevo managed the impossible and saved everyone's life, with the help of Mizuna and Xaras. But it's not over yet, as our heroes still have to face their greatest challenge yet. Stay tuned for more, only on Dragon Ball F!
Somewhere on Earth 2.0, we see the Megasaiyan, flying with an incredible speed, this time, wearing clothes on it. It was actually heading into the violent storm, in order to test its strength. Without hesitation, the thing burst right into the middle of the storm, as it was constantly struck by lightning, which had no effect on it. Of course, not even the powerful blow of the wind could manage to flinch it. Then the Megasaiyan looked up and positioned itself in an attack position. Using its ki energy, it blasted all the clouds into space, thus ending the terror of the mighty storm and saving countless lives on the planet, which certainly, was not It's goal at all.
-I am finally ready to confront my opponents.-the Megasaiyan started-I can sense that by now, they also recovered their strength, nevertheless, they are no match for me. But I'm sure they will put up a decent fight, as they are the only ones capable of holding me back from destroying the Universe. However, they ARE the good guys, so they deserve an explanation, before killing them.-then it took off, heading towards our heroes.
Tsufurukan City...The leader of the city, Tsufurak, has been told to hurry to the headquarters where the violent storm was monitored:
-What is it, Leas?-the mayor asked-Is the storm causing more havoc somewhere? Is it already heading this way?
-Actually, sir, the storm is gone.-the researcher answered.
-What do you mean, gone?
-It's gone from the radar, as if it literally disappeared into thin air.
-But how could that be?
-Do you think it's the work of the Gods? Or maybe the brave warriors managed to destroy it somehow?
-I'm not sure. Although we should be relieved and happy that the dreadful storm is finally gone, however, I sense that there is a greater threat to be worried about. And I'm not just talking about this planet, the entire Universe is about to be eradicated, unless the cause is destroyed, and fast.
Back in the town, where our heroes were still rejoicing their reunion...
-So, that's about it.-Pan finished telling the story of the earlier events; of course, the other creatures which have been saved, were still a bit confused.
-Wow...-Goku started-I never thought I would ever need to be saved by a mere Earthling. Thanks a lot, Xevo!
-It was really nothing, actually...-Xevo responded blushful.
-Too bad Mizuna destroyed that thing; I really would have liked to fight with, uhm...him
-I'm actually amazed she managed to do that, considering all the energy he gathered from us.-Trunks added.
-Luckily for you guys...-Gohan started, looking at Xevo and Mizuna-That thing couldn't control that many amounts of power all that sudden, as he briefly woke up, so Mizuna had no trouble destroying it.
-Are you kidding me?!-Mizuna shouted-That thing pretty much wore me off, but I didn't give in that easily.
-Well, I don't know whom Mizuna destroyed, but there's something heading this way very fast, and his power level is higher than even Gogeta's.-Bardock said worried, while all of our heroes felt it, except for Mizuna.
-It...it can't be!-Xevo shouted-It's him...it's that thing. He somehow survived Mizuna's blast.
-Are you sure? How can you even tell it's the same guy?-Mizuna asked.
-I can sense ki signatures emanating from anyone stronger than a normal human being, meaning I can "read" their lifeforce and power level.
-Well, I don't sense anything. And how come you can do that and not me?
-We'll teach it to you later, if we ever make it out, of course.-Pan answered instead.
-Wait just a darn minute! How high is that things' power level anyway?
-Way over 3 billion.-Xevo responded.
-And how about mine? Tell me!
-Uhm...somewhere below one billion...
-Are you telling me, you knew all along that I had no chance against it, and you didn't tell me?!
-I too was amazed that you actually managed to destroy it so easily. At least, now we're even. Remember how you let me fight those tentacles alone?
-I swear, I'm going to kill you after all this!
-Quick!-Goku started-Let's leave this town and head to the forrest. We don't want any more innocent people getting hurt or killed today.-so our heroes flew away, leaving the townsmen, the confused creatures, even Kibitoshin behind, while Pan carried Xevo with her; it didn't take too long, until they met up with It.-So, I guess my wish of fighting with you came true after all. But before we get started, mind explaining who you are and why do you desire so much power?
-First of all...-It started-You may call me a "Megasaiyan." I am here to destroy the whole Universe, and after my mission is complete, I shall destroy myself as well, thus ending existence itself.
-Wow, how original...-Trunks added-Everyone seems to want either to rule the Universe or destroy it. What is up with you guys, anyway?
-At least, he intends to kill himself too after that; you have to give him some credit for that.-Mizuna replied to Trunks, which made him a bit blushed.
-So, why DO you want to destroy the Universe? Do you at least have a reason at all?-Goku asked the Megasaiyan.
-My reason will seem noble and malefic at the same this.
-As you know, the entire existence is filled with both Good and Evil, which are constantly battling each other. While Good mostly wins, at least so may it seem, during their battle there are always numerous casualties, who either suffer a lot or die. I'm sure you guys have had your share encountering many evil forces. My purpose is simply ending this futile war once and for all, and the only way to do that, is to destroy the entire existence, so Evil could never be able to reborn.
-Are you nuts?! You want to destroy Good as well, along with Evil? Why not just Evil?!-Pan asked madly.
-Because Evil always finds a way to taint even the purest of hearts, thus coming back once more, stronger than before, starting the war all over again. However, there is balance between those two, both sides win and lose too, but they cannot exist without the other, so I must destroy both in order to provide true salvation for everyone. Our whole existence is just a mistake, a lie, as we can never truly live in peace forever, not even in the afterlife, cause eventually, Evil will find a way to reach that place as well, causing havoc. But no worries, cause I intend to end the Other World as well, somehow, so we may all be in peace forever, as if we never existed at all.
No one managed to say a word anymore. Some of our heroes remembered, that about 15 years ago, Evil in the form of Kid Buu, indeed managed to travel to the Other World, using Instant Transmission, and would have even destroyed it, if it weren't for Goku and Vegeta to get his attention and lure him away from there. This means, that the Megasaiyan's purpose is actually rather significant and somewhat...noble. But does this means that our heroes are actually thinking of letting the thing go and destroy the Universe? Can that be possible? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball F!
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