The It and Goku were both in mid-air, while blood was still dripping from Goku's forehead, causing him to feel dizzy. However, the Megasaiyan had another surprise for him: It lifted its right hand and formed five black energy balls from each finger, and before combining them, It started:
-Remember that so-called Kame-Hame-Ha wave you threw at me earlier?-It asked Goku-I may not sense ki energies, but by taking the blow of your wave, I accurately measured its strength...
-And each of these energy balls is the equivalent of that one wave. Now imagine it five times stronger, as I combine them.-which it did, making an energy ball the size of Goku's SSJ4 Kame-Hame-Ha wave, but five times stronger.
-I was afraid you were going to say that...
-Sayonara, proud warrior!-the Megasaiyan shouted, as it threw the black energy ball right at Goku, barely giving him time to think.
Suddenly, Gohan appeared next to his father, transformed into a Super Saiyan 3, and as they looked at each other, it seemed as if they read each other's mind, both making a Kame-Hame-Ha wave and threw them against the black one, while the white ones also combined. Of course, the black wave overwhelmed the white one, along with Goku and Gohan, causing a huge explosion in the air, which threw our heroes to the ground. As the dust clears, we see both Goku and Gohan still alive, the first in his first Super Saiyan form, while the second in his normal form, both filled with bruises. But the Megasaiyan wasn't through with them yet, making another black Kame-Hame-Ha wave, this time with his other hand:
-You barely managed to survive the earlier wave. With this one, I will surely wipe out, both you and the ones behind you.-then Goku and Gohan looked behind them, only to see, Trunks, still powering up and trying to reach the third Super Saiyan form, Mizuna laying unconscious on the ground and Xaras looking back at them amazed-Good riddance to you all!-the thing yelled, as he prepared himself to throw the black wave at them.
Just then, it stroke him: FEAR of losing his friends and everyone else dear to him, ANGER towards that thing which called itself a Megasaiyan, COMPASION towards the girl lying in the grass being injured, REVENGE for everyone who has been killed or hurt by that monster with the black aura, HATRED towards It, for thinking it had the right to end the entire existence; all these emotions burned his soul in flames, causing him to cry out for peace, releasing his true power and allowing him to ascend to the next level. Trunks burst out and transformed into a Super Saiyan 3, but it was too late, because the thing was about to fire the black energy ball at them, giving him and the others no time to react. Suddenly, a loud voice shouted GALICK GUN behind It, firing a big white-purpleish energy wave at it, distracting the thing which lost the energy ball, but not damaging it at all. Vegeta appeared near Trunks, while Kibitoshin started healing Gohan, as Goku felt relieved that luck was on their side for a change.
-Oh great, more annoying fighters. When will you realise, that there's nothing you can do to stop me?-the Megasaiyan asked.
-By now, you should know that we will never give up on trying to destroy the likes of you!-Goku replied.
-You should also know that you're only prolonging the inevitable, and I'm starting to lose my patience. You do know that I can end all this in less than a sec, right?
-Then why don't you?
-I just want for you guys to die in peace. It's rather obvious that you also fight in the name of Good, so you all deserve the chance to accept my proposal and die willingly at my hands for the right cause.
-I'm sorry to tell you, but right now, you yourself represent Evil and must be stopped at all cost.
-How dare you say such a thing about me?!-the thing shouted, as the black aura reappeared around it, It becoming madder and madder.
Not far from the battle, Vegeta stared at Trunks with a little smile on his face, but also feeling sad:
-I am proud of you, son...-he started-You managed to transform into a Super Saiyan 3 a lot earlier than I have in my lifetime; heck, you transformed into a Super Saiyan when you were only a kid. If you focused on your training a lot more, you could become the strongest fighter there is. Unfortunately, you achieving SSJ3 is rather insignificant at the moment, cause that thing is way out of your league, even mine.
-Thanks, father!-Trunks responded a bit blushed-Your words mean a lot to me, and don't worry. I won't attack that thing on my own; I needed to transform into a SSJ3 so I could fuse with Gohan to buy some time for you and Goku to also fuse. At this moment, only Gogeta can destroy the Megasaiyan.
-The what?!-Vegeta asked pissed off.
-It calls himself a Megasaiyan.
-How dares he relate himself to my proud race?!-then Vegeta flew right at It.
-Father, no!-Trunks shouted.
-I am a Megasaiyan!- the thing yelled-I'm nor Good, nor Evil, but the End itself!-then, all of a sudden, Vegeta appeared in front if it:
-Call yourself whatever you want, but don't you dare call yourself a Megasaiyan! You're no Saiyan, hell, you're not even a human. Just because you have a Saiyan tail, doesn't mean that you've become one. And I heard what your plan is: you want to destroy everything in this Universe, thinking it is the only way to get read of evil. Well, tell you what! Once, I was evil too, and I also know some others who were in my position, but guess what? Against all odds, I changed and become somewhat good, as well did the others. Which means, not only the good can be tainted and become evil, but vice-versa too.
-So what? Am I supposed to sit back and hope that everyone will become good again? Is that it? Sure, there are some rare occasions, but it is so much easier to become evil and good. For instance, did you know that your friend there, Goku, if I recall correctly, apparently the purest of hearts, will also turn evil in the near future?
-Kakkarott? Evil? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Don't make me laugh! That's one of the funniest and stupidest things I ever heard.
-The one who looks like him, his father, I believe, has also seen the future and can confirm you that I'm telling the truth.-then It looked around, unable to find Bardock-Now where is that guy, anyway? I hope he just ran away and not trying something stupid. Anyway, unless Goku or Kakkarott or whatever, is stopped, it might even kill you in the future.
-I don't know what you two saw, but I know for sure that Kakkarott wouldn't kill his worst enemy, unless he was forced to, and I'm a living proof of that. So, enough of this gibberish talk and prepare to die!-the he transformed into a Super Saiyan 4 and attacked It with all his strength.