On the last episode of Dragon Ball F, Xevo and Pan managed to convince everyone, so they could join Trunks and Gohan on the trip to planet Earth 2.0. But how will this so-called "trip" turn out for our heroes? Will they be able to find Goku and the others? What secrets does the planet hide? Find out only by continuing reading the story...
Two weeks have passed and now our heroes have finally arrived on Planet Earth 2.0. They landed in a swamp, and they were preparing to head out.
-Hey, Xevo!-Trunks started-Did you put enough fuel in your shoes?
-You bet!-Xevo answered.
-Is everyone ready?-Gohan asked after a few moments and everyone nodded.
They went outside the ship, Trunks pressed a button, and the ship became a capsule, which he put in his pocket. Everyone looked amazed at the surroundings, even Gohan, who has already been in a swamp on that planet before and everything looked the same, but for him, it still looked as if he saw it for the first time.
-How will we ever going to find Goku and the others on this planet?-Trunks asked-Not only that it would be hard to find them on Earth, but here, everything is thrice as big. It's impossible without a trail or something.
-We just have to ask the locals. Someone must have seen them.-Gohan responded.
-And how many thousands different races and species does this planet have?
-I never said it was going to be easy...
-What if we ask the Saiyans?-Pan asked-I'm sure they're the ones behind all this.
-Not likely. If they killed them, we ought to have sensed something. And it's not like them to kidnap either. Even if so, I'm sure they would have attacked us by now.
-So what could have happened to them?
-It's really hard to tell...-but right then, they were attacked by a huge, 60-meter-long, 3-meter-thick anaconda.
Thanks to their awesome reflex, they escaped, even Xevo managed to, but even so, the attack was very sudden for even the mighty Saiyans. However, it wasn't over yet. The anaconda not only continued attacking them repeatedly, but it also had another head at the end of its tail, so now, two anacondas were attacking them.
-It's almost big as Shenron.-Trunks managed to say-No wonder Goku, and the others have gone missing. They could have been eaten by one of these.
-You're kidding me, right?-Gohan responded while avoiding the anacondas' attack-My father never could be killed that easily. Actually, he gets along with animals very well, even the ferocious ones.
-Yeah, Trunks.-Pan cut in-Don't say crazy things like that. You're just being ridiculous!
-Hey, where's Xevo?-Trunks asked.
-Look, guys!-Xevo shouted way above them-Look at those giant dinosaurs!-and they all looked where he pointed, and there they were, enormous long-necked dinosaurs, called Apatosaurus, in groups, migrating and eating the leaves on the trees.
-Look how big they've become!-Pan said amazed-They must be over 200 feet tall...
-Of course...-Gohan started-They had to evolve and grow bigger as the trees did to be able to reach the leaves.
-So it means they're herbivores, right?-Trunks asked.
-Yea, they are. But the one behind you isn't.
Trunks looked around frightened and he saw a T-Rex looking dinosaur behind him, which was anxious to eat him. Luckily, for Trunks, just then, the two anacondas attacked him, as he barely dodged them both, while the dinosaur grabbed them with his teeth and bit their head off. The dinosaur had plenty of meat to eat, so he left our heroes to escape, not that they couldn't have.
-This place is way more dangerous than I expected.-Trunks said.
-A perfect place for my father to train properly...-Gohan added.
-Yeah well, he's crazy!
-Trunks, don't act like a scaredy cat!-Pan said-Even Xevo is more brave than you are. And he doesn't even have powers like we do.
-So, Gohan...-Xevo started-Where to?
-I guess we could ask King Vegeta if he knows anything. Although, I doubt it will help. We might even get in trouble or cause it. If King Vegeta finds out that father's missing, and Gogeta's no more, he might order an attack.
-So, we're playing a risky game here...
Our heroes received a "warm" welcoming from the planet. What other perils await them? Will they find some answers or clues where Goku, and the others might be? Find out on the next thrilling episodes on Dragon Ball F!
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